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Showing articles from virtual event​​ tag

ePosterBoards 2D Event: Need assistance during an event

If at anytime during the virtual event you require assistance, look for the ePosterBoards help desk which can be found on every floor plan. ![][1] Double click on the help desk table to move to it and one of our technicians will be there to assist you. If you would like to privately chat us, you can find the event …

Clear Browser Cookies in Chrome

## To clear browser cookies on **Chrome**, follow the steps below: * Click on the **More** ![More][1]button at the top right corner of the **Chrome** browser * Select **More Tools** **---> c**lick on** ****Clear Browsing Data** ![][2] * A new tab will open on the browser, taking you to **Chrome** settings …

Virtual Event: Types of Chats

During the virtual event you will have access to different types of chats. **General chat** * This chat is public. * Is available for all guests. * Anyone can write a message and it will be seen by all participants. * Event hosts can delete any message. * Guests can't delete messages. **Table/Room chat** …

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