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How to screen share a PowerPoint file.

1. Go to your PowerPoint and put your **Presentation in Slideshow Mode** or press **F5** [![47d4efb80c6a01ae532a904d9a183bbef8298bc4.png][1]][2] 2. Press alt+tab and select the Remo Event 3. On the Remo Event, press the **Present** button at the bottom menu toolbar to start Presentation Mode 4. The Event Host or S…

Miro WhiteBoard "Not Shared Error Message"

If you open up the Miro whiteboard, and you find a message like below, please use the following steps to solve this: ![][1] 1. Click on the **downward arrow button** (right next to the close button) ![][2] **Please note, this downward arrow is only shown to Event Hosts (Account Owner and/or Event Managers)** …

Miro Whiteboard: You are not the Board Owner but you need to be

1. Open up the table's whiteboard by clicking **More** and then **Whiteboard** on your bottom menu toolbar. 2. If someone else has already taken ownership of this whiteboard, there will be no option to **Save the board** at the top of the whiteboard. [![][1]][1] **This means someone else has already saved the w…

Accessing Miro WhiteBoard

In the menu bar at the bottom of your screen, click on the **More** button and select **Whiteboard.** ![][1] [1]:

Virtual Poster Gallery User Log In

The link to the virtual gallery will be provided to you by your event organizer. When you have accessed it, follow the instructions on the log in page. Most credentials will be listed on the log in page, if they are not reach out to the event organizer. ![][1] [1]:…

ePosterBoards 2D Event: Webhosting Site File Description

Each presenter file has a description which may include: * Presentation Author(s) * Presentation Title * Presentation Synopsis The description can be accessed by **hovering** your cursor over the poster. ![][1] **or ** By viewing the file and clicking on the** i (information) button **on the right side of …

How to switch floors during a virtual event

On the **Elevator** button, which can be found on the left hand side of your screen, you will be able to view if more than 1 floor is available. There should be a green outline around the number of active floors. Grayed out floors are inactive. ![][1] To change floors, click on the **floor number** and you will ge…

Virtual Poster Gallery Search Bar

The virtual poster gallery will have a search bar field were specific titles, categories, author name(s), and any other word related to the presentations can be searched for. To search, click on the search bar and type the word. Any results will be listed below. ![][1] Note that when results are listed, an **advanc…

Virtual Chat Box

![][1] When the chat button is clicked on the **Messages** window will appear. ![][2] From the **Message** window, the following chatting options will become available: * **General Chat** Chatting with everyone at the event * **Table Chat: **Chatting with table participants * **Private Chat: **You can selec…

How can I distinguish between event hosts, speakers, and attendees during a virtual event?

All virtual participants will be represented by an avatar which is shaped in a circle and will initially have you initials. If the participant is an **Event Host, **their avatar will have a star icon next to their profile picture as shown below. ![][1] **Speaker** participants have a microphone icon next to their p…

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